Praised be Jesus Christ!
The Carmel of Elijah is a Monastery of Discalced Carmelite Nuns, who are living out their calling to contemplative prayer — a life of solitude and sacrifice in communion with the Roman Catholic Church and approved by the Diocesan Bishop, the Most Reverend Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE DD.
They follow the ancient custom of monastic enclosure, which means that they remain physically separate from the public by fences and grilles, as a symbol of their complete gift of self to Christ and his Church.
The Monastery is located at Mathoura, in the southern region of the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes in NSW, Australia.
The Nuns are grateful to all who have helped to establish the Monastery and they continue to pray especially for their benefactors and for the Diocese of Wilcannia-Forbes.
Please keep the Monastery in your prayers.
May God reward you!

The primary mission of the Carmelite Order is to pray and offer oblation for the Church and the world. The use of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and Divine Office sets this monastery apart and their observance of the Rule and Constitutions is part of an unbroken tradition stretching back from Mexico to Spain to Mount Carmel itself in the Holy Land.

Support the Monastery
On March 11th, 2019, we watched the four founding sisters of our little Carmel walk up the driveway of their little farmhouse for the first time. Now, following the fourth anniversary of that day, we wanted to send out a little update …
As the Sisters prepare for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, they would like to assure all their dear friends and benefactors that you are being remembered in a Novena of Holy Masses leading up to July 16.
Not long after the Carmelite sisters arrived in the drought affected central west, so did the much-needed rain.
As they approach their first anniversary, the Sisters would like to thank all their benefactors for their prayerful support in the past year.
Images from around the Monastery

The Nuns walking in the front paddock.
March 2019

Front paddock, looking north.
March 2019

Front paddock, looking east towards the Cobb Hwy.
March 2019

The front paddock, with large Cross.
June 2019
The Turn, where donated goods may be placed and rotated into the Nuns’ enclosure.
June 2019
A seedling planted in front of the new fence.
June 2019

View of the Sanctuary.
July 2019

The Altar.
July 2019

Entrance with the Turn in the background.
July 2019

The alpacas exploring their new home.
July 2019

The driveway entrance at Sunset.
August 2019
A rainbow!
November 2019

Front of the Monastery
February 2020
Guest accommodation for aspirants
February 2020
The Monastery garden
February 2020
Looking down the driveway
February 2020
Birds in the Monastery garden
February 2020
Guinea fowl chicks
February 2020
Enclosure fencing
February 2020
Enclosure fencing
February 2020
The front paddock
February 2020
The front of the Monastery at sunset
February 2020
Front lawn and garden
February 2020

The driveway
February 2020

The front of the Monastery at sunset
February 2020
Monastery vege garden
February 2020